A Downtown Office

For the female partners at a thriving financial strategies company, three times was a charm.

Needing space for expansion, they set out to find and create a setting that was as comfortable as it was professional.  They first bought a piece of land to build on, but the architect’s initial rounds of design caused frustration and an opportunity to bust their budget. Then they found a building downtown, but the price was too high to allow them to do the necessary restoration and re-design.

Then, along came a lovely 1920’s house on the city’s finest historic commercial  street, and it was ready for an easy conversion.

The result is a functional space that is one part office, one part home and one part space for entertaining. A triple crown.

Inspiration for the design began with light fixtures. Each of the rooms features a show-stopping vintage light fixture as its focal point. The effect is decidedly feminine, appropriate for the girl-power behind the firm’s success. In addition, the project is a testament to the benefits of being patient enough to wait for just the right fit.